Liver Health

20 Strategies to Improve Liver Health Naturally

Your liver is responsible for over

500 chemical functions in your body

Important Things Your Liver Does For You...

1. Your liver produces bile to break down the fat you eat. Plant fats and animal fats both require bile. Think of how you use dish soap to clean greasy dishes. The more grease, the more soap you need. The more fat you eat, the more bile you need. In our high fat diets of today, livers are busy!

2. It's your livers job to filter and clean your blood of pathogen debris, poor diet choices, toxins, pesticides, herbicides, natural flavors, MSG, artificial colors, chemicals, etc so that when your blood goes to your heart and brain, it's clean.

3. Your liver also stores nutrients -- like glucose, amino acids, essential fatty acids, phytonutrients, anti-oxidants, and even a bit of hydration -- for a day when your intake isn't optimal. #wisdom

4. Additionally, your liver manufactures proteins for use in your body. Excluding water and fat, your body is made up almost entirely of protein! Just because you eat protein doesn't mean that steak just turns into muscle without any conversion.

5. Your liver plays the largest role in this thing we call "metabolism". If you feel like your metabolism is slow, or have been told that you have a slow metabolism, look to your liver. (Yes, your thyroid plays a role. So do your adrenal glands. But your liver is the biggest player of the three.)

6. Your liver breaks down old or damaged red blood cells so they can be eliminated. Without this, jaundice occurs.

These are just a FEW examples of what your liver is doing for you, every hour of every day.

Our livers can get overwhelmed,

just like us.

When your liver has too much coming at it, it's like that episode of "I Love Lucy" when she gets overwhelmed with the conveyor belt of chocolates coming at her too fast.... so she starts stuffing the chocolates in her mouth, and in her pockets…

You know what? Your liver does that too.

Your liver has to filter and process EVERY bite your eat and EVERY drop your drink.

OMG. Can you imagine?! 😬

Everything we ingest orally and beverage plus all the chemicals in and on our food, supplements, OTC products, and all passes from the GI tract --> through the portal vein - -> to the liver.

EX: That meal you just ate is digested in the GI tract and broken down into glucose, amino acids, and free fatty acids. It's all transported via the hepatic portal vein to the liver. The liver then proceeds with its chemical functions and turns those broken down proteins and fats into substrates your body can use.

Your liver even has to process what your put on your skin, since 60% of topical substances are absorbed.

And, your liver has to process anything that gets into the bloodstream via other routes too. Things like immunizations plus everything that we breathe since the lungs have a blood supply, and that blood makes its way back to the liver.

Your liver works HARD for you sorting out the good from the bad!

✅ If what you ate or drank is helpful, your liver amends it and it is sent out to in the bloodstream to your cells.

🔶 If what you ate contained items that should be eliminated, your liver will do this for you if it has the capacity.

❌ But if your liver doesn't have the capacity, it has to store all of those harmful substances until a rainy day comes along and they can be processed for final elimination. When was the last time you gave your liver a "rainy day" so it could catch up on processing chores?

As the days turn into years, and there aren't enough rainy day to catch up on chores, the liver gets filled up with an excess of chemicals, toxins, pathogen debris, amino acids/protein, fatty acids and more

Eventually, the "liver closets" expand and when capacity is reached, things that should be contained in the liver because they are dangerous spill over into the bloodstream and start causing problems.

Some of those health conditions that arise when a liver is weakened:

(And this is a small list!)

⚠️ Blood isn't filtered before going to the heart and brain.

⚠️ Nutrients aren't stored for a rainy day.

⚠️ Blood sugar issues arise (hypoglycemia, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes).

⚠️ Hair, skin, nails, and muscles all suffer when the liver can't modify your food for use in the body.

⚠️ Pathogens in the GI tract overgrow, because the liver can't keep up with quality bile production.

⚠️ Fatigue develops as cells starve for proper nutrition.

⚠️ Brain fog sets in as dirty blood makes its way to the brain.

⚠️ Varicose veins appear as thick blood can't make its way back to the heart

⚠️ Blood clots and edema can manifest since the liver plays a role in fluid balance.

⚠️ Heart disease is diagnosed when fats spill out of the liver closets, into the bloodstream.

⚠️ High blood pressure develops when the heart has to work harder to pull thick blood up from the liver.

⚠️ Hot flashes and hormonal imbalances express, since the liver processes these and preps them for elimination.

⚠️ Weight gain because the liver filter slows down to a standstill (remember Lucy?!).

⚠️ Skin issues erupt, since it's the largest organ of detoxification and the liver must unload some toxins.

⚠️ Methylation issues are identified, since methylation largely occurs in the liver.

⚠️ Food intolerances develop (histamine intolerance, lectin intolerance, etc)

💩 Food literally rots and ferments in the gut and it can manifest as bad breath, IBS, bloating, constipation, SIBO, reflux, flatulence… and more.


Your liver plays a CRITICAL role in your health



Your liver is crucial to so many aspects of your overall health,
it should not be ignored!

You will do yourself a HUGE favor if you learn to take care of your liver properly NOW, BEFORE symptoms become more serious!

I have a 1-hour jam-packed downloadable
Audio training that will come to your liver rescue!

What you will learn:
  • Root causes of chronic disease
  • The truth about genetics and your health (spoiler alert - it's not what you think!)
  • Essential roles of your liver (in a way you can understand!)
  • What you are doing wrong. This is an extensive list!
  • Early warning symptoms of a liver in distress (even if your labs don't show it yet!)
  • 20 SPECIFIC action steps to restore your liver AND restore your overall health.

Get started now!

Your Instructor

Tracy Konoske
Tracy Konoske

Tracy has a passion for helping others heal, fueled by her own journey of reversing SIBO, Chronic Neurological Lyme Disease, and Epstein Barr Virus.

Tracy loves helping her clients and students understand the root causes of chronic disease and how those root causes manifest as symptoms and conditions.

A talented teacher, known for explaining complex medical topics in plain English, Tracy will assist you in taking your health to the next level.

As Tracy says, “I have the deepest respect and passion for the healing abilities of the human body. Each day, I witness countless miracles when the body is provided optimal fuel: nutrient-dense, whole plant-based foods. Pair that with powerful herbs and lifestyle changes and the results are profound.

If you are struggling with your health, know that you CAN heal! 
There ARE answers. 
You don’t have to travel this alone.

Get started now!

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